Posts Tagged ‘Memcached’

Service as a Job: Memcached

December 5, 2011

Running services such as Tomcat or Qpidd show how to schedule and manage a service’s life-cycle via Condor. It is also possible to gather and centralize statistics about a service as it runs. Here is an example of how with memcached.

As with tomcat and qpidd, there is a control script and a job description.

New in the control script for memcached will be a loop to monitor and chirp back statistic information.


# condor_chirp in /usr/libexec/condor
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/libexec/condor


# When we get SIGTERM, which Condor will send when
# we are kicked, kill off memcached.
function term {
   rm -f $PORT_FILE
   kill %1

# Spawn memcached, and make sure we can shut it down cleanly.
trap term SIGTERM
# memcached will write port information to env(MEMCACHED_PORT_FILENAME)
env MEMCACHED_PORT_FILENAME=$PORT_FILE memcached -p -1 "$@" &

# We might have to wait for the port
while [ ! -s $PORT_FILE ]; do sleep 1; done

# The port file's format is:
#  TCP INET: 56697
#  TCP INET6: 47318
#  UDP INET: 34453
#  UDP INET6: 54891
sed -i -e 's/ /_/' -e 's/\(.*\): \(.*\)/\1=\2/' $PORT_FILE
source $PORT_FILE
rm -f $PORT_FILE

# Record the port number where everyone can see it
condor_chirp set_job_attr MemcachedEndpoint \"$HOSTNAME:$TCP_INET\"
condor_chirp set_job_attr TCP_INET $TCP_INET
condor_chirp set_job_attr TCP_INET6 $TCP_INET6
condor_chirp set_job_attr UDP_INET $UDP_INET
condor_chirp set_job_attr UDP_INET6 $UDP_INET6

# While memcached is running, collect and report back stats
while kill -0 %1; do
   # Collect stats and chirp them back into the job ad
   echo stats | nc localhost $TCP_INET | \
    grep -v -e END -e version | tr '\r' '\0' | \
     awk '{print "stat_"$2,$3}' | \
      while read -r stat; do
         condor_chirp set_job_attr $stat
   sleep 30

A refresher about chirp. Jobs are stored in condor_schedd processes. They are described using the ClassAd language, extensible name value pairs. chirp is a tool a job can use while it runs to modify its classad stored in the schedd.

The job description, passed to condor_submit, is vanilla except for how arguments are passed to The dollardollar use, see man condor_submit, allows memcached to use as much memory as is available on the slot where it gets scheduled. Slots may have different amounts of Memory available.


cmd =
args = -m $$(Memory)

log = memcached.log

kill_sig = SIGTERM

# Want chirp functionality
+WantIOProxy = TRUE

should_transfer_files = if_needed
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit


An example, note that the set of memcached servers to use is generated from condor_q,

$ condor_submit -a "queue 4" memcached.job
Submitting job(s)....
4 job(s) submitted to cluster 80.

$ condor_q -format "%s\t" MemcachedEndpoint -format "total_items: %d\t" stat_total_items -format "memory: %d/" stat_bytes -format "%d\n" stat_limit_maxbytes
eeyore.local:50608	total_items: 0	memory: 0/985661440
eeyore.local:47766	total_items: 0	memory: 0/985661440
eeyore.local:39130	total_items: 0	memory: 0/985661440
eeyore.local:57410	total_items: 0	memory: 0/985661440

$ SERVERS=$(condor_q -format "%s," MemcachedEndpoint); for word in $(cat words); do echo $word > $word; memcp --servers=$SERVERS $word; \rm $word; done &
[1] 959

$ condor_q -format "%s\t" MemcachedEndpoint -format "total_items: %d\t" stat_total_items -format "memory: %d/" stat_bytes -format "%d\n" stat_limit_maxbytes
eeyore.local:50608	total_items: 480	memory: 47740/985661440
eeyore.local:47766	total_items: 446	memory: 44284/985661440
eeyore.local:39130	total_items: 504	memory: 50140/985661440
eeyore.local:57410	total_items: 490	memory: 48632/985661440

$ condor_q -format "%s\t" MemcachedEndpoint -format "total_items: %d\t" stat_total_items -format "memory: %d/" stat_bytes -format "%d\n" stat_limit_maxbytes
eeyore.local:50608	total_items: 1926	memory: 191264/985661440
eeyore.local:47766	total_items: 1980	memory: 196624/985661440
eeyore.local:39130	total_items: 2059	memory: 204847/985661440
eeyore.local:57410	total_items: 2053	memory: 203885/985661440

$ condor_q -format "%s\t" MemcachedEndpoint -format "total_items: %d\t" stat_total_items -format "memory: %d/" stat_bytes -format "%d\n" stat_limit_maxbytes
eeyore.local:50608	total_items: 3408	memory: 338522/985661440
eeyore.local:47766	total_items: 3542	memory: 351784/985661440
eeyore.local:39130	total_items: 3666	memory: 364552/985661440
eeyore.local:57410	total_items: 3600	memory: 357546/985661440

[1]  + done       for word in $(cat words); do; echo $word > $word; memcp --servers=$SERVERS ; 
